And they overcame him (the devil) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY...
Revelation 12:11 (KJV)
Posted here are only a few written testimonies, we dont have enough room to display them all and have had to delete many due to space. These testimonies will encourage you and build your faith to receive your Miracle in Jesus name! Be sure to watch some Video Testimonies at the end of this page or visit our Youtube Channel and Subscribe by clicking on this link
Someone needs your Testimony to help them get out of their desperate situation! When you acknowledge God for what He has done in your life, He will do it again and again..
“My desire is to attend the Healing School in the near future
Val has been such an inspiration in my life where I also attended two of the World Wide Day of Healing services with her which was held by Val in September. The year of 2009 the Lord spoke to me saying "I have to go to Val in Durban" and I said Lord I don't know who she is we only spoke via emails. The Lord said "I'm telling you to go" then I responded, Lord I don't have the finances to go to Durban. With this the Lord said "you didn't ask." We'll during one of my Ladies Meeting I told them what God had. Commanded me to do and I said ladies if you would like to partner with me I'll appreciate it. A few ladies sowed into it and the rest we paid as my husband accompanied me. We truly had a blessed time being at these services and further learnt about the Healing School which at the time was a vision of Val. Thank you Val and Eugene for your obedience to God and to YVHV be all the glory in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.”
— Arlene Bredeveldt
“Anointed Water: Deliverance
I administered the water that you prayed over and anointed, to my Mother. She started to react violently, retching, shaking, and all limbs flailing. I commanded the spirits to leave. It was quite a spectacular display Pastor!. She feels lighter and calmer.”
— H Sukhbir
“Anointed Water Testimony: Healing of Ulcer in Jesus name
I have not been to well lately, Val Wolff gave me Anointed Water that had been prayed over. I sprayed it on me and God healed me of an Ulcer. Thank you Jesus and Val. Amen and Amen”
— Maud Erasmus
“Acid Reflux
Dear Pastor Val, I thank Jesus for giving you the anointing to pray for the sick. On 15 October 2017 you prayed for me for acid reflux but I did not tell you that for a month I had been feeling extremely weak throughout my body, I could not manage doing what I used to do normally. While you were praying I felt something move in my stomach and you also asked me if I felt that, I said yes, ever since then I gained all the strength that I normally had and could do the things I normally do. I give Jesus all the Glory, Praise and Honour for healing me. Yours in Christ.”
— Sarah
“Multiple healings in family
My heart is full of JOY for what God did today! What I saw was INCREDIBLE, something that I have never experienced before. We are so thankful and feel so blessed for the way God healed each one of us. THANK YOU JESUS! Just saying thank you doesn't even seem like it's enough for what He did for us today. It just amazes me the way Jesus just gives...Thank you Val for being obedient to God, going out there and reaching out to so many people. You have this wonderful way of showing God's love and kindness. The service was AWESOME and we definitely would recommend that all who can, should attend your services. It is definitely worth going to. I feel like a brand new person!”
— Sanmarie
“Deliverance from Spiritual Husband Testimony!
Good day, I cannot express how much I am so grateful of what the Lord has done in my life. I came seeking for deliverance and God’s intervention in my life on the 8th of October 2017. I was prayed for a spiritual husband tormenting every area of my life. I have seen a lot of change in my life, the anger is gone, I can love my children and I am so calm. God has done it in my life. I don't know what to say but may God continue to work through you, May he increase your territory and bless you abundantly.”
— Nothando
“Healing Prayer Testimony
Dear Val. I am a Living Witness of the Power of the Anointing of Healing in and through you. Thanking My ABBA for His Blessing you, and Inspiring to Contend, Believe and Pray with such Faithfulness. It is so wonderful to see that the blood of the lamb has made the cleansing blood available to release His Anointing of healing through you. I am personally so grateful to you for all your prayers this year when I was afflicted with sickness. So happy for those that are getting ordained with this Miracle Anointing of healing. Release it everywhere for there is great need. I wish I was there to rejoice and give them all my Love. From a Spanish Jewish woman that has seen Messiah in your Healing Anointing. I love you Val.”
— V Cohen
“Another Miracle Baby
I was 39 weeks pregnant and one Sat morning in 2011 my whole life changed, our baby boy, Daniel, was stillborn. He stopped moving in the womb. We attended one of Val Wolff's services, she prayed over my womb that God will prepare it and bless us with a baby and soon after that prayer I conceived. It was the fastest I've ever conceived! Jesus replaced that hurt and tears with a girl who is going to bring us so much joy! I keep my eyes on Jesus, He loves, heals, delivers, restores and gives back double fold for what the devil has stolen from us. The bond I have with God know is something I've never had before!”
— S. Hennings
“Eye Sight Restored after stroke
I received the anointed prayer cloth today that you sent and Boy there is some anointing on that. Thank you so much. I held it on my eye and prayed the prayer and the scripture from Acts 19:11-12 that you suggested.. I believe I am healed in the Mighty name of JESUS. I am also praying in tongues at the same time and am feeling GODS healing power saturating my eye. HalleluYah I can see! I can see now out of the peripheral side of my eye, for 6 years I have been blind and could not see out from it..hallelujah I can see! Doctors told me it will be a condition I will have to just live with for the rest of my life, which I no longer receive, thank you so much sis because of your obedience and GODS healing power I am now healed thank you GOD”
— J Gatehouse
“Back healed! Constant Heartburn healed!
Dear Pastor Val, ever since I invited Jesus into my life and became a born again child of God, I have felt a hindrance in my spiritual growth, but that has now changed. Thank you for your prayer, blessing and Holy Spirit impartation to me. I received healing for my back in the mighty name of Jesus, I could not bend and touch my toes, but now I can and there is no pain. All glory to the Father and His Son my Lord and savior Jesus. I suffered from heartburn almost every day, but I have not suffered again since you prayed for me. The joy of the Lord is my salvation. There is no other name given unto man whereby you must be saved, amen. Isaiah 53:5 by His stripes I am healed, no more back pain, no more heartburn, and I have been a born again Christian for 30 yrs. I hope that my testimony will be of help to other born again Christians who feel a hindrance in their spiritual growth, to get in touch with your ministry for healing and deliverance. God has blessed your Ministry.”
— P Dumais
“Back Problems
About five years ago I came to see you with my mother in your home. I had recently had a back operation and mum had been suffering from severe back problems for many years. You prayed for mum first. The healing was instant and complete. To this day she cannot thank you enough. She has never gone to see another doctor or chiropractor since! You also prayed for me and my back has been wonderful. I am even able to lift heavy boxes! Great is HIS faithfulness!! and all glory to HIM our Lord Jesus Christ! May your Ministry be blessed with many coming to know the Lord Jesus Christ not only as Saviour but also as their healer. Thank you for you willing obedience to the cross!”
— I Herbst
“Abscessed Tooth
I asked Val to pray for me as my x ray on Monday from the dentist showed my tooth with a crown on it was abscessed. It showed the abscess and the dead roots. He also performed a test to find out if the tooth was alive or dead. At that time the tooth tested it was dead. After Val prayed, Jesus intervened for me and Wednesday another x-ray was taken showing a normal tooth with crown and my tooth tested showing it was alive.”
— C. Sheffield
“Asthma Healed!
Val, my daughter was born with Asthma in and out of hospitals most of her life. We heard about your healing service and we brought her for prayer. She has NO more asthma attacks. Praise God she has been healed.”
— J. Berrisford
“Swollen Ankles and Feet
Val, you truly are an Anointed Servant of the Lord. When I got to your place, I thought, does there have to be so many stairs, you know my hips and body won’t be able to bear the strain.. After your Powerful Anointing Prayer, I was racing up those steps. Jesus had healed me. I asked you to pray specifically for my both extremely swollen feet and ankles. It was so uncomfortable for me because I felt a "tightness" and bursting feeling on them. I wore bedroom flops to work as none of my shoes would fit. Medically with an albumin count as low as 16, this was nothing out of the ordinary. I praise the name of Jesus as I have absolutely no swelling on my ankles or feet, in spite of that albumin count medically, still being low. Medically, it’s impossible, but we all know, with God, nothing is impossible. Friends I'm the proof. Val, we pray that your ministry grows from strength to strength in the Mercy of God"
— L. Iyaloo
“Vitiligo / Blood Pressure!
Dear Val, I came to you on the Worldwide Day of Healing. I had Vitiligo, which is a loss of pigment in the skin, and you prayed for me and asked JESUS to restore the pigment again. PRAISE THE LORD! I am thrilled to let you know that I am starting to see small spots of pigment appearing on my hands and they seem to be growing slowly. My mother is also much better and does not have such problems with her blood pressure anymore after you prayed for her. THANK YOU JESUS! for giving Val this ministry.”
— Renee
“Multiple Sclerosis
Good day Pastor Val, Just to let you know that I have improved so much since you prayed for me last Sunday. Every day I get one or two comments from friends/colleagues who are amazed at the way I walk these days compared to my ‘crippled’ walk that they were so used to. I am also gaining my strength back and haven’t had even one pain killer tablet or any medication since coming back from Durban. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you, and I am sure your ministry will grow and grow and grow.”
— Temba
“New Job Opportunity!
On 8 October 2017 I arrived from Johannesburg...I can remember sitting there hearing the testimony from a man who told his life changed after his deliverance...deep inside I was thinking, "nice for you" but thinking "that would not happen to me...after the testimonies came the deliverance and anointing from Pastor Val...can remember that again some inner voice was telling me " that would not happen to me" but standing there my knees just got soft and I slowly landed to the ground. Felt tears running on my face...a deep sadness was in all my body parts. I can remember how I was looking in the blue eyes of Pastor Val and felt that between me and her was a presence. That all-knowing presence what was letting her know my problem without telling her about...it was amazing to observe her transformation from her real gentle character from the beginning of a sermon to change in a sergeant like personality who is commanding the devil out...and she would not give up...that is her point...letting Jesus through her voice to work and make the miracles...her determination is obvious...the fight between good and bad is taking place and the anointing is flowing through her hands through her voice through her prayers for the water, T-shirts, books and everything what she is touching...I was tired for two weeks...reading her book made me sleep after 3-pages...it just opened my eyes how I was needing it after 2-weeks I received a phone call about a job opportunity to work from home...it just happened...I was in...working exactly a month later on 8 of November I realized it is happening with me the same what happened with the man who spoke about his change in his life what in that time I couldn't believe it would happen to me...yes. Pastor Val Wolff with her ministry is a pearl of Durban ...Thank you Jesus that you work through her she is a chosen one. Pastor Val thank you for everything what you do for all the people in need.”
— Ibolya K Levay
“Testimony after inviting Val to minister at his Church
Val, This is why I value your ministry: Having been brought up in mainstream churches that were quite conservative in many ways, I was never taught to explore the 'fullness' of the Holy Spirit, and was even advised to temper my youthful willingness to go down that path when I first joined the leadership team about 30 or more years ago. That is why, many years later, I approached you with such caution, bringing two deacons with me to meet you and assess your ministry. I was acutely aware that I was not the church's official pastor although, in the absence of one at the time I was the only elder. Over the years God has challenged me and taught me to be extremely slow to point fingers at the ministry of others. My standpoint now is, if God's presence is evident in someone's life and ministry and He is blessing it, no matter how different it may be from my own experiences, who am I to talk it down? God's ways are not our ways but we often act like they should be! I have followed you closely on Facebook since your visit to my home church and I love your open heart for God and the way He leads and blesses what you do. I've also come to realize that whenever someone is "successful" in ministry (I know you'll understand my use of that word) satan will always find ways to attack and try to undermine what they are doing. Yeah, well, his time's running out so he's got to try harder. So, Val, keep on keeping on! Do not grow weary of doing good, and know that, like many of those who follow you on Facebook, I pray for you and we all look to God to do even greater things through you.”
— A Foster
“Lower back pain healed!
I attended a Healing Service led by Pastor Val Wolff on Saturday, 4 August 2012 in Pretoria. Considering the conservative church I attended during my upbringing, I did not know what to expect and to be very honest, I was kind of sceptical. I had memories of elderly men dressed in white suits on TV which my parents always said was a huge hype. The service was opened by wonderful praise & worship after which Pastor Val explained healing as it was documented in the Bible and that healing was not a phenomena that was meant for the early ages of Christianity, but was also relevant and available to believers today. She then went over to healing prayer. I had lower back issues.”
“Testimony | Anointed Cross | USA | Constant Bathroom Visits during Night & Insomnia healed in Jesus name.
I’ve been sleeping with the Cross on my back or near my head as I sleep on my stomach , so I’ve had a problem where I would constantly feel pressure in my bladder and get up to go to the Bathroom 6 plus times in a short amount of time and it would always be small amounts of urine when I’d go to the bathroom and it was so annoying and I’m nowhere near elderly, so that was always a nuisance and since having this Cross it was something I’ve been wanting to be healed of and I have not had to get up multiple times a night to go to the bathroom, so praise GOD that alone is such a blessing. I also had Insomnia type symptoms for years where I’d be tossing turning and laying there awake for hours and I haven't really had much of that either since having received my prayed over cross. All the Glory to God, I believe there will be continued healing and I am ever grateful for my Cross that was prayed over, thanks for following God’s directive and making these Crosses available to those who can't travel to South Africa. Thanks again from the USA!!”
— J Perichak