Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, here are some Frequently asked questions that we receive on our email system, this will create more of an understanding of the ministry that God has entrusted to Pastor Val Wolff.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord." Luke 4:18.
”Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the Gospel is preached. And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." Luke 7:22-23
Christ Healing Centre is a Healing and Deliverance Ministry. When planning to attend a service, you may sometimes encounter negative words from church leaders, family, or friends. The truth is, the devil does not want you to be free and will try to discourage you from attending, preferring you to remain in a place where there is no freedom for the captives.
People are traveling both locally and internationally to attend these services and schools. Even Jesus Himself was rebuked and told to leave a town after healing a man with mental illness near the tombs. So, if you hear cautionary remarks or criticism, don’t listen to the naysayers. Instead, turn to the Word of God, pray, and seek the truth for yourself. You will find that this ministry aligns with God’s work as demonstrated in the Gospels and the Book of Acts.
We encourage you to come and receive your freedom in the name of Jesus Christ. The freedom people are experiencing is through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Jesus is the Healer—He paid the price. We are simply vessels, demonstrating God’s power as Jesus confirms His Word with signs following (Mark 16:20). Don’t let the devil keep you in bondage—deliverance in Jesus’ name will bring freedom!
Stay connected to the source of life and freedom—know God personally through His Word. The truth of God’s Word is setting many people free, and it can set you free too!
My life and ministry are founded on the final command of Jesus in Mark 16:15-18. I believe it wholeheartedly and act upon it. Spiritual gifts are given to glorify God alone! The anointing comes by God’s grace and moves according to His will. It is a demonstration of God’s power, designed to fulfill His divine purposes and carry out the Great Commission as He instructed all believers to do.
Who would want to operate in anything less than God’s best? All glory and praise belong to Jesus Christ, who enables us to work miracles in His mighty name through the power of the Holy Spirit!
God anointed me, and in 2006, I had a divine visitation where He called me into full-time ministry. When we step out in faith, there are no limits to where God can take us. If you are willing to go the distance and seek the Lord with all your heart, you will witness His glory manifested in the unique way He has called you.
Mark 9:23 – “Jesus said to him, ‘If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.’”
Often, people ask God for blessings but don’t truly believe in their hearts that they will be delivered. Before coming for prayer, it is important that you believe for your healing to come to pass. The Bible says, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." If your confession does not align with what you believe in your heart, you will not see results. This is why some people visit many deliverance ministries but never receive—because their hearts do not fully believe, and their tongues do not confess the healing before it manifests. Faith activates the power of God: all things are possible for those who believe (Mark 9:23). Acting on the Word builds faith in our hearts, and that faith grows as we obey it.
After receiving prayer, it is important to put faith into action. Begin declaring healing over your body, even if you haven’t yet seen the manifestation. Avoid negating your healing with negative words, as this will only delay your miracle. Faith requires you to believe before you see. Faith speaks healing now, and faith gives thanks before the miracle appears. A true Christian confesses what God has already said in His Word. Declaring negative words shows disagreement with God’s promises. You must agree with God’s Word and remain steadfast, even during hard times when your faith is tested. Faith grows by reading and meditating on the Word of God. Remember, Jesus prayed that “your faith will not fail.”
God’s Word is full of promises confirming that Jesus heals today, and He assures us that no good gift will be withheld from those who walk uprightly. His power to heal has not diminished since the time of the apostles. It is important, however, to identify the root cause of sickness. I encourage you to read my book, The Healing Power of God, available on Kindle or in hard copy at our services and schools. Many have experienced freedom by reading this anointed book and listening to the CDs on Maintaining Healing and Deliverance.
Even so, in all ministries, there are cases where deliverance does not seem to come. In these moments, we continue to stand on the Word of God, knowing that it is a great privilege for those who persevere in faith and press through to touch the hem of the Master. Stay rooted in faith, declare God’s promises, and trust in His healing power!
This is one of the most frequently asked questions concerning healing. Many who attend our services know how I emphasize addressing sickness at its root—closing the door that allowed it to enter in the first place—and the absolute necessity of maintaining healing and deliverance in our lives.
“Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, ‘See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.’” – John 5:14 (NKJV)
There have been numerous instances where individuals receive healing, but over time, the condition returns—often in a worse state than before. This happens when the principles of faith and a lifestyle rooted in God’s Word are not applied to maintain that healing. Many seek God for a miracle, but once they receive it, they return to the same old ways of living, without pursuing a relationship with God or fellowship in His Word and Spirit. Maintaining healing requires staying grounded in God’s Word, which renews your mind, transforms your speech, and leads you into an abundant life in Christ.
We record our services, including the deliverance sessions, to showcase God's power and authority over the enemy. Jesus remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. His miracles in the Gospels are recorded to build the faith of believers and encourage them to receive from Him. Many people are inspired by healing testimonies, which glorify Christ and His work on the cross.
Jesus never hid His deliverance ministry; He exposed the devil publicly. He cast out demons and confronted darkness openly, and He fed 5,000 people in public. He calls us to follow His example, which is why these moments were recorded in Scripture—for others to see and believe. We aim to reveal that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual powers (Ephesians 6:12).
Jesus gave His life publicly so that we could live eternally with Him in heaven. We are not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16
We livestream, videotape and share our healing services and teachings on our Facebook page, YouTube channel, and other platforms. This creates a valuable library of videos of healing, deliverance, and testimonies that everyone can revisit.
You can find teachings, deliverance services and testimonies that address specific challenges such as marital issues, financial problems, diseases, spirit spouse, panic attacks/fear and many others. The video library is a valuable resources for the body of Christ to learn and grow in their faith, so they can then go out and pray for others.
The use of anointed items in the church is referenced in Acts 19:11-12. These items are typically consecrated and symbolize the presence, power, and work of the Holy Spirit. If you have a cross, water, or any other object that you would like Val to pray over, feel free to bring it with you to a service, and she will pray over it during the prayer line,. We also often provide prayer cloths when they are available. Please note that these anointed items are given freely and are not for sale.
Please be aware that all Deliverance and Healing prayers are conducted during our Services and Schools. Currently, Christ Healing Centre operates by hiring school halls and conference facilities, as we do not yet have our own property. We encourage everyone to attend our Services on the dates and times listed on this website under the "Upcoming Services" tab. During a Service, you can proceed to the Healing Line to receive prayer.
Due to the high volume of requests for private prayers at homes and hospital visits, we are unable to accommodate this. This is largely due to Val's commitments to traveling, teaching, and equipping Pastors and Believers.
For any communication with the ministry, please use our email: info@christhealingcentre.co.za. As the ministry grows, we plan to hire staff to assist with calls. We deeply appreciate your prayers and financial contributions, which are helping to advance this ministry. The best is yet to come—Hallelujah!
Our Healing and Deliverance Services are held in Durban at Durban Primary School in Umbilo, but only on the dates advertised on our website. We are also traveling across the World, so be sure to sign up for our Newsletter to stay informed about updates.
Entrance to the venue is via Cavell Road, and not from Umbilo Road. Secure parking is available inside the school grounds—please drive directly into the school parking lot. We kindly ask that you arrive and be seated in the Durban Primary School hall at least 15 minutes before the Service begins.
As the Services are livestreamed, it is mandatory by law to sign the POPIA form upon arrival. Thank you for your cooperation!
We do not provide transport or accommodation facilities. Please arrange your own transport to Durban Primary School using a taxi, Uber, or similar service. The Healing Service ends between 11:00 AM and 12:00 PM, depending on the number of attendees seeking prayer. Please ensure your transport is waiting in the car park by 10:45 AM, as we need to lock the school promptly after the Service concludes. Thank you for your understanding, as the school hall is a rented facility.Airport Shuttle:
If you are arriving by plane, there is an Airport Shuttle Bus Service available to and from King Shaka Airport. You can contact them via email at airportbus@mweb.co.za or call 031 465 5573, 031 465 1660, or 082 340 9990. The school entrance is located on Cavell Road, Umbilo, Durban.The Service begins at 9:00 AM. If you are staying at a hotel or B&B, we recommend leaving by 8:15 AM to ensure you arrive on time. Secure parking is available in the school grounds, with a security guard stationed at the entrance.
Accommodation Options:
Mackaya Bella Guest House (Closest to the Durban Primary School)
Website: www.mackayabella.co.za
Address: 137 Penzance Road, Glenwood, Durban 4001
Phone: +27 (0)63 299 4324 | Mobile: +27 (0)82 297 3518Tamarisk Bed and Breakfast
Website: www.tamariskdurban.co.za
Address: Che Guevara Road (old Moore Road), Berea
Email: bookings@terebinte.co.za
Phone: +27 82 850 0139Terebinte Bed and Breakfast
Website: www.terebinte.co.za
Address: 62 J.B. Marks Road (Chelmsford Road), Glenwood, Durban
Email: bookings@terebinte.co.za
Phone: +27 82 850 0139
If you are traveling a significant distance to attend our Service, please notify us of your plans in advance and confirm your agreement with the Videotaping guidelines outlined on our website.
Don’t miss the chance to glorify God and share the Good News by telling others how Jesus delivered you through prayer at our In Person or live Zoom meeting.
Share a video or audio testimony of what the Lord has done in your life. Your story, like the leper who was made whole, can encourage and uplift others. Our team will upload your deliverance testimony to our YouTube channel.
Guidelines for Video Testimonies:
Ensure good lighting; avoid recording in a dark room.
Refrain from mentioning other ministers or ministries in your testimony for privacy and clarity. All glory goes to God.
Briefly describe your deliverance session and what the Lord has done for you in 5 minutes.
Focus on victories you’ve received, not areas where you’re still seeking prayer. At the end, include a message to encourage others coming for prayer to strengthen their faith.
Let us know the date you attended a service or received prayer over Zoom, and, if possible, the time in the live video when you were prayed for.
Send your video via wetransfer.com to info@christhealingcentre.co.za, and we’ll upload both the deliverance and testimony to our YouTube channel.
Guidelines for Audio Testimonies:
If you prefer to remain more private, you can record an audio testimony on your phone. We will only upload the audio file to our channel.
Send your audio via wetransfer.com to info@christhealingcentre.co.za.
“We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard…” (1 John 1:3 NIV).
Our team eagerly awaits the opportunity to encourage others with your testimony.
A Note from Pastor Val:
I want to remind you that I am not the healer—Jesus is. It is essential for you to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The manifestation of healing is not in my ability, nor is it my work, but the power of the Holy Spirit. It is not by might or power but by God’s Spirit. Because of this, I do not take on pressure or responsibility when we receive negative emails or comments if healing does not take place. I am not responsible for you receiving your healing or deliverance, as only God can bring the change.I simply pray in faith over everyone who comes for prayer, and we have witnessed countless miracles and testimonies, many of which are shared on our YouTube channel. However, there are instances where healing is not received. This happens in every Healing Ministry, even the most anointed ones. Still, I stand firm on God’s Word, knowing He is faithful and that His Will shall be done.
Encouragement for You:
I encourage you to listen to my sermons on our YouTube channel, as they will help you understand more about receiving your healing and will strengthen your faith to believe that nothing is impossible with God.It is also important to prepare your heart as you come for prayer.
Read the Bible.
Pray and seek God.
Forgive others.
Fast, and seek first the kingdom of God.
Repent of your sins.
By doing this, you position yourself to receive healing and deliverance in the mighty name of Jesus. Remember, God is faithful, and His Word will never fail!
No, we do not charge for healing or deliverance prayer. Jesus paid the price for you on the cross, and we freely offer prayer to those who seek it.
However, like any ministry, we have staff and monthly expenses such as venue rentals, website maintenance, and outreach efforts. We take up an offering during services to support these costs. We encourage you to give as God leads you, with a cheerful heart. Your offerings help sustain the ministry and allow us to continue impacting lives.
2 Corinthians 9:7 says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
For many, deliverance is instantaneous, but for others, it is a process. This often means the Lord is working on your heart. It’s very common to find that underlying issues such as unforgiveness, envy, offense, jealousy, bitterness, or anger reside in the heart. These things break communion with God and open the door to spiritual, emotional, and even physical struggles such as nightmares, barrenness, sickness, and disease. These negative emotions and attitudes are the devil’s food, feeding his ability to torment. In contrast, righteousness, peace, and love are the roots of healing and deliverance.
Many people today refuse to forgive and hold onto past pains, yet they seek healing and deliverance everywhere, often blaming the pastor or minister when healing is delayed or doesn’t occur. However, no pastor can help if the person is unwilling to let go of these strongholds.
If you have experienced the power of God in a service but are still waiting for your healing, remember this: your heart matters to God. How you respond to others matters to Him as well. The healing comes from Jesus, not the pastor.
Ladies, we kindly ask that you consider wearing long pants instead of dresses during the healing services. When the power of God moves, you may manifest either at your seat or during deliverance prayer, and wearing long pants will help ensure your comfort and protection, so you don’t have to worry about your clothing.
We also request that you avoid wearing clothing that shows cleavage or short skirts. Pastor Val herself wears long pants for this reason, and we appreciate your understanding and consideration.
Thank you for helping us maintain a respectful and comfortable environment for everyone attending the service.
Please note that all communication with Christ Healing Centre should be sent via the email addresses provided:
For general inquiries: info@christhealingcentre.co.za
If you live in the USA: angela@healingministry.co.za
You are also welcome to join our WhatsApp groups. Links to these groups can be found on the homepage of our website.
We encourage you to consider fasting for 1-3 days before attending the service. The Bible teaches that some demons only come out through prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). Fasting weakens the power of the enemy and often leads to quicker deliverance.
Prepare your heart and spirit through fasting and prayer as you seek breakthrough in Jesus’ name.
We kindly ask that you do not force family members, colleagues, or friends to attend a service. Coming to Christ Healing Centre should be a divine appointment at God’s perfect timing. Many who have brought unwilling family members have found that they felt uncomfortable and even spoke against the ministry.
Deliverance is a delicate process and cannot happen by force. It comes through the Spirit of God confirming His Word, and when the timing is right, there will be a genuine desire in their hearts to change, read the Word, and seek deliverance.
Love and respect those around you. Share with them what God is doing through the ministry, and when they are ready to receive, bring them along for prayer. Always remember that only faith pleases God. Hallelujah
As Pastor Val prays for deliverance and healing, the Lord often gives her prophetic words for those in the prayer line. However, she only speaks as led by the Spirit of God, never from the flesh. If you are seeking a Word and none is given, please do not feel discouraged. The Bible says, “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27). The Lord desires for you to hear Him directly.
Pastor Val explains:
"I would be doing people a disservice if I shared everything the Lord reveals to me about them, to the point where they never learn to hear His voice for themselves. While we serve an important role in ministry, the greater purpose goes beyond ministering healing. It is about helping people develop such a strong faith and deep revelation of the Lord that they can receive directly from the anointing within and upon their own lives. My goal is to ignite a hunger for intimacy with God, so that people grow in their personal relationship with Him. We are His children, and He desires to connect with each of us on a personal level."Sometimes, the troubles and distractions of the world hinder people from hearing God clearly. It’s God’s plan for all His children to have this connection. While evangelists, pastors, and prophets minister healing and share God’s heart, they also aim to inspire a burning passion for others to seek and know Him intimately. When Pastor Val receives a Word, she is always obedient to share it. But more importantly, she desires to inspire in others the longing to hear God’s voice and develop that personal relationship.
“Seek first the Kingdom of God” (Matthew 6:33). Many people rely on others for Words without seeking a true relationship with Jesus. God wants you to know His heart for you. When you seek Him, you will experience the joy of hearing His voice directly and walking in His Spirit.
Yes, we do! In March 2024, I ministered in California and New Jersey, and in September, I returned to teach a Healing School in Florida and hold a Service in New Jersey. We have plans to travel to the UK, Australia, India, and many other countries in the future, but we rely on donations to make this possible.
Please consider becoming a monthly giver to help us expand and reach even more people around the world. Your support allows us to continue spreading the message of healing and deliverance in Jesus' name. Thank you!
Children are encouraged to come up for prayer at the END of the prayer line when the cameras are turned off, and Pastor Val will pray for them.
For their safety, and because of the potential for wild manifestations during deliverance, it is not advisable for children to remain in the hall during the deliverance time. Thank you for understanding.
No, animals are not allowed at our Services or Schools. This decision comes after previous experiences where dogs barking caused distractions and disrupted the focus of the service.
Additionally, no one under the influence of alcohol is permitted to attend. These measures are in place to ensure the protection and comfort of those coming for prayer.
Thank you for your respect and understanding. If you have any questions, feel free to email us.
Arranging one-on-one private deliverance sessions has become very time-consuming for Pastor Val. At this time, it is more practical for her to pray for people during our in-person services or through our live Zoom services.
While Pastor Val occasionally conducts private Zoom or in-person deliverance sessions, we strongly encourage you to attend our services instead, where you can receive prayer in a group setting. Thank you for your understanding!
If you believe you have been healed and are considering stopping your medication, we strongly recommend consulting your doctor first. Only your doctor should make the decision to adjust or discontinue your medication.
We never advise anyone to stop taking their medication. This is entirely at your own discretion and should always be done under medical supervision. Thank you for understanding.
To access Pastor Val's teachings and connect with semi-private Zoom sessions, simply click the "JOIN" button on our YouTube channel. Once you become a member, you’ll have access to these exclusive Zoom services, where believers come together in prayer and ministry support. These sessions are livestreamed exclusively in the members-only section of the channel and offer a safe space for sharing prayer requests and connecting with others in faith.
Members (Silver tier and above) also receive access to a wealth of resources, including Pastor Val’s audio book on healing and deliverance. Additionally, the membership unlocks a comprehensive library featuring over 15 years of Healing and Deliverance Schools, including the most recent session held in Florida this past September.